texas air corps

Texas Air Corps (TAC) was founded in 2021 to train Christian missionary pilots for service in remote areas all over the world. The idea of Texas Air Corps was born through work with our sister organization, Kingdom Air Corps (www.kingdomaircorps.org), which trains missionary pilots in Alaska. Texas Air Corps hopes to compliment the summer training season of Kingdom Air Corps by providing winter flight training so that future missionary pilots can train year-round at an affordable cost.

Applicants for Texas Air Corps are evaluated for the commitment to full-time missionary service.

Texas Air Corps operates out of a 2,700-ft. grass runway, Tarrant Field Airport (6X0), located in Bullard, Texas. While TAC can provide training for primary, commercial, or add-on ratings, our location is ideal for instrument instruction. Our location in East Texas provides many options for instrument instruction.
Texas Air Corps is a non-profit ministry that is only able to operate due to generous donations of money, equipment, and airplanes. Flight instruction is donated by Certified Flight Instructors and the airplanes are maintained by volunteer A&P mechanics. This allows flight training cost to be greatly reduced in hopes to get more people to the mission field and spreading the gospel quicker. If you are looking to get involved, please contact us by phone or email.

Questions? Get started!

This is a

CHRISTIAN ministry

We are called to


We will do this by

using airplanes

We will

preach the gospel to all

Who We Are

We are pilots and followers of Christ who want to bring the gospel to the remove regions of the world. Through training more people to fly, we can reach more areas of the world.

Instrument flight Training

Prime location for Instrument Flight Training. Within a thirty minute flight to multiple airports with instrument procedures. Or fly to the class B of Dallas for practice in more crowded airspace.

Private Pilot License

Learn to fly small planes, such as Cessna 150s, 172s, 170s, on non-paved runways to prepare you for remote areas